Policies & Guidelines
Below, you’ll find information about our accreditation, privacy rights, campus safety statistics, and more. Looking for more information? Call us at 800.226.7625.
Full Sail致力于为所有学生提供平等的入学机会, including those who qualify as persons with disabilities. While upholding this commitment, Full Sail还希望所有学生保持高标准的学术成就和卓越,这对学校的诚信使命至关重要. By advancing these aims, Full Sail ensures that its policies, practices, and procedures conform to federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. 向学生事务主任或学生成功主任提供书面文件,说明您的残疾性质以及可能需要的任何考虑/住宿. 这些文件必须:(1)来自适当的专业人员, (2) not be more than three years old and, (3)清楚地了解学生目前的工作情况. Full Sail的保密政策规定,只有适当的Full Sail人员才能访问这些信息,并且这些信息是单独存储的, confidential files. Except in instances of health or safety, information concerning the disability, accommodations, 否则,未经书面同意,文件将不会发布.
在要求特殊住宿时提供充足的时间. 在服务/支持的预期需求之前,必须对请求进行评估并作出安排. Full Sail不能保证在没有足够的准备时间的情况下提供适当的住宿/服务. 如有可能,请至少提前60天通知. The Director of Student Affairs, assigned by the President, 为残疾学生提供合理的便利. Fax documentation to 407.215.9518.
All Section 504 and ADA complaints, 不包括对学生事务处处长的指控, should be addressed to:
- Deborah Mills
Director of Student Affairs
3300 University Boulevard
Winter Park, FL 32792
- Garry Jones
3300 University Boulevard
Winter Park, FL 32792
有关住宿和大学投诉程序的更多信息,请 请按此下载学生残疾投诉程序 (PDF).
Services for Students with Disabilities
- Download the Services for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
Full Sail大学(以下简称“大学”)致力于不分种族提供平等的教育和就业机会, color, religion, national origin, physical and mental disability, pregnancy, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, familial status, spousal affiliation, medical condition, military veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by local, state or federal law.
The University’s policy, in accord with federal and state law, is to afford students with disabilities, who require the assistance of a service animal, with equal opportunity to access all University property, courses, programs, and activities.
服务性动物的定义包括狗和迷你马(从肩膀开始测量的长度从24英寸到34英寸不等,通常体重在70到100磅之间)。, 他们被训练为残疾人工作或执行任务.
Procedures and Practices
- (A) Inquiries. 大学不得询问个人残疾的性质或程度, 但可以通过两次调查来确定一只动物是否有资格成为服务性动物. 大学可能会询问动物是否因为残疾而被需要,以及动物受过什么工作或任务的训练. The University shall not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal. Generally, 如果很明显服务性动物是被训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的,学校可能不会对服务性动物进行这些询问.g., 这只狗被观察到引导一个盲人或视力低下的人, pulling a person's wheelchair, 或者为有明显行动障碍的人提供稳定或平衡方面的帮助).
- (B) Access to Areas of a Public Entity. 残障人士应被允许在他们的服务动物陪同下进入学生所在的大学设施的所有区域, faculty, members of the public, participants in services, programs or activities, or invitees, as relevant, are allowed to go.
- (C) Surcharges. 大学不得要求或要求残疾人士支付附加费, 即使有宠物陪同的人也需要支付费用, 或符合其他要求一般不适用于无宠物的人. 如果大学通常对个人造成的损害收取费用, 残疾人士可能会因其服务动物造成的损害而被起诉.
- (D)在下列情况下,大学可要求残疾人士移走服务性动物:
- (1) The animal is out of control and the animal's handler does not take effective action to control it; or
- (2) The animal is not housebroken.
- (E) If an Animal Is Properly Excluded. If the University properly excludes a service animal, 应当为残疾人提供参与服务的机会, program, 或者没有服务性动物在场的活动.
- (F) Animal Under Handler's Control. A service animal shall be under the control of its handler. A service animal shall have a harness, leash, or other tether, 除非处理程序因残疾而无法使用挽具, leash, or other tether, or the use of a harness, leash, 或者其他系绳会影响服务性动物的安全, effective performance of work or tasks, 在这种情况下,服务性动物必须在处理者的控制之下.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means).
- (G) Care or Supervision. 学校不负责照顾或监督服务性动物.
有关本服务动物政策的任何问题,请直接向学生成功主任咨询 407.551.2024 (ext. 8797) or [email protected].